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If you are interested in your organization’s logo being displayed below, your organization must be a nonprofit 501(c)(3), registered with the California Attorney General, have goals and objectives related to conservation for sport fish and game species, and have entered into a contract or agreement with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) within the previous three calendar years.

The 2025 Nonprofit Conservation Organization - Application To Display Logo will be available starting July 1, 2024 and must be submitted with the required documentation between August 15 and September 30. If approved, your logo will be displayed for the 2025 calendar year.

Associated Partners

California Waterfowl Association
Disclaimer: Links to the nonprofit conservation organizations above are authorized pursuant to the California Fish and Game Code section 1065. Inclusion of the links in the Automated License Data System is not intended as an endorsement of these organizations by the Department of Fish and Wildlife. The Department of Fish and Wildlife does not manage or control the content of these external sites. The above links will take the user outside the Department of Fish and Wildlife system.